West Hartford Mayor’s Youth Council

Who We Are: MYC is a council of students in grades 9-12 who represent different public, private, and home schools in West Hartford. We meet twice a month (1 council meeting, one work session) from September – May to help plan and facilitate community impact projects that improve the quality of life of West Hartford youth. We also work with local departments and organizations to help with town-wide initiatives as they arise.

Purpose: More than ever, teens are interested in politics, community service, and social activism. MYC is an opportunity for teens to share issues that are important to them, learn about civic engagement, and have their voices heard by West Hartford government officials.

MYC Meeting Dates

  • September 19, 2023 6pm Town Hall Room 217
  • October 24, 2023 6pm Town Hall Room 217
  • November 14, 2023 6pm Town Hall Room 217
  • December 12, 2023 6pm Town Hall Room 217
  • January 23, 2024 6pm Town Hall Room 217 (Special Meeting)
  • February 27, 2024 6pm Town Hall Room 400 (Special Meeting)
  • March 5, 2024 6pm Town Hall Room 400
  • April 16, 2024 6pm Town Hall Room 217
  • May 28, 2024 6pm Town Hall Room 400

View past meeting minutes here.

MYC Officers 2023-2024

Chair – Sarah Granquist – 11th Hall

Co-Chair – Kikoh Mordukai – 12th Hall

Secretary – Rudra Singh – 11th Hall

Outreach / Recruitment Chair – Adam Gold – 10th Kingswood Oxford

Social Media Chair – Francesca Giordano – 12th Hall

Holiday Giving Project Subcommittee Chair – Joseph Landino – 11th Hall

Mental Health Project Chair – Priya Shinde – 12th Hall

Political Activism Project Chair – Liam Wright – 12th Hall

Mayor’s Youth Council Members

  • Daphne Brewer – 11th Conard
  • Ava DellaFera – 11th Hal
  • Kushal Gauli – 10th Conard
  • Oliver Hartmann – 11th Hall
  • Charlotte Mullin – 12th Hall
  • Isabelle Mulready – 9th Hall
  • Alexis Nguyen – 11th Conard
  • Moh Palanki – 11th Kingswood Oxford
  • Evan Piccioli – 12th Conard
  • Grace Piccioli – 11th Conard
  • Ailani Roach – 12th Conard
  • Abby Sanderson – 11th Hall
  • Priya Sinha – 12th Hall
  • Caeli Sullivan – 10th Hall
  • Catherine Zehr – 11th Conard
  • Kari Karp – Teen Services Librarian & Board Liaison, kkarp@WestHartfordCT.gov

2023-2024 Subcommittees / Impact Projects / Community Partners

Kindness Project Boxing Event December 16, 2023

Holiday Giving / Adopt a Family with West Hartford Social Services December 2023

West Hartford Immigrant Teens & MYC Art & Chat February 2023

Holocaust Remembrance Day January 2023

Kindness Project December 2022
Mental Health Action & Awareness Committee “Teen Mental Health” Podcast May 2022

Listen to the conversation here:

Celebrate Diversity Concert May 2022

Witness Stones Project Petitions March 2022


Elmwood Community Center Advisory Committee https://www.westhartfordlibrary.org/the-library/feasibility-study/
Human Rights Commission Declaration of Human Rights Video Recording 12/3/21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB9g4MRjWx8
“Taking the Lead” West Hartford Life Article 12/21
Vigil for Democracy We-Ha.com Article 1/22 https://bit.ly/MYCVigilforDemocracy
Dinah Road Street Renaming Project with The Witness Stones Project https://witnessstonesproject.org/witness-stones-project-students-petitioning-to-rename-street-in-blue-back-square/

Contact Us! myc@westhartfordCT.gov

Follow us on Instagram @mycwesthartford