The New Yorker magazine discussion group first met on May 2, 2014 at the Noah Webster Library, and has been meeting weekly ever since. Currently, the group meets virtually every Friday at 11 a.m. in a hybrid format, both in-person and on Zoom. Average attendance is approximately 25 people, give or take. A volunteer moderator is selected from the group’s ranks each week to facilitate the meeting. For instructions on how to join, email newyorker@westhartfordlibrary.org.
Discussion Agreements & Guidelines
Founding members are librarians Joseph Cadieux and Martha Church, together with David Brandwein, Robert Roggeveen, and Linda Howey, who established the group, determined group procedures, and facilitated all meetings the first year.
The New Yorker group is supported, yearly, with a grant from the Thomas F. Kilfoil Foundation, West Hartford Library Foundation. To donate to the Foundation, click the PayPal button below or see other ways to give HERE.

For West Hartford residents, The New Yorker is available to read online via the library’s eMagazine subscriptions by clicking the button below.