Library Foundation


The West Hartford Library Foundation is now hiring a Foundation Administrator.  We are looking for an organized and enthusiastic person to help support the administrative needs of the West Hartford Library Foundation.  This part time position will be responsible for administrative, financial, and public relations duties. Please see the job description for additional details.

To apply: Email resume and cover letter to Deadline extended to Friday, February 7, 2025.

The West Hartford Library Foundation, a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation organized and operated for the benefit of the West Hartford Public Library system, is governed by a board of directors made up of the five Town Council appointed members of the Library Board and four community members. All members serve in a volunteer capacity.

Established in 1981, the Foundation has enabled the library to provide resources beyond the annual Town allocations for nearly 40 years. The Foundation has led successful major fundraising efforts on behalf of the Library, most recently in support of a significant expansion and renovation to the Noah Webster Library in 2006-08 and the energy efficiency focused renovations of the Bishop Corner Library in 2013-14.  

In 2007, the Foundation received a generous $2 million bequest from West Hartford resident and former librarian, Thomas F. Kilfoil – a gift that continues to support program initiatives such as West Hartford Reads and the New Yorker Discussion Group.  In 2018, the Friends of the West Hartford Public Library   joined with the Library Foundation to consolidate and manage fundraising initiatives on behalf of the Library.

The Foundation’s mission is to support the West Hartford Public Library by offering financial support to enhance the Library’s resources and services and to facilitate access to them for the benefit of all members of the West Hartford community.

The Foundation members, with leadership from its Community Outreach committee, further support the Library by promoting Library services and programs within the community. Residents are invited to participate in this important effort.

To contact the Library Foundation, please email

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Web_KimCohen.pngKimberly Cohen, PresidentThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Web_GailCrockett.pngGail Crockett
Eileen DalyEJ Greenspan
Matthew Hoberman, Vice PresidentThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Foundation_NataliaMenjivar_updated-1.pngDr. Natalia Menjivar, Secretary
Okey NdibeTimothy Rooney, Treasurer