The Atlantic Discussion Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm on Zoom. For information on the group and instructions on how to join, please email atlantic@westhartfordlibrary.org.
For more than 150 years, The Atlantic has given voice to some of the most provocative ideas of the time, from Henry David Thoreau’s blunt naturalism to Martin Luther King’s calls for justice. All you need to join the discussion group is a penchant for current affairs and thirst for lively discussion. Discussions last about 60-90 minutes.
Free copies of The Atlantic are available for discussion group members at the Circulation Desk at the Noah Webster Library. To arrange pickup at the Bishops Corner or Faxon Library call 860.561.6990 during business hours. Print copies of the magazine are made possible through the West Hartford Library Foundation, Thomas F. Kilfoil Bequest.
You may also read articles from each issue of The Atlantic here.